Tell us about your business and how it started?
Because of my Four came to fruition after painting with my sisters as a hobby and a way of keeping in touch. Many a wine and cheese night was shared, dotting away, yarning and laughing. But these nights were more important than this, these sparked for me a way of healing from experiences and events that until recently I had no method of coping with.
I named my business 'Because of my Four' as it is because of my children that I am here today and living life. Their tiny little lives have given me so much strength and have unknowingly urged me on when I wasn’t able to keep going myself.
My need to create is much deeper than a hobby, for me it is essential. Art is a way of living - a form in which to communicate, a therapy. I have an innate sense of fulfilment and emotional strength when I paint. Something I have searched for over years.
I have always been one to load my plate full and power through to achieve but painting is different, it is for me, and although my plate is full, I love it.

What is your biggest achievement in business?
Firstly, knowing that my art is hanging in homes around the world, being shared and treasured by families everywhere.
Secondly, being picked up by Urban Road and having my art printed for sale internationally with their company - this is just the coolest.
Thirdly, building my own website. For me, this was an achievement as it took incredible perseverance. I knew nothing about the online world but through YouTube clips and lots of patience, I was able to do it.
What challenges have your faced in business?
Perhaps the biggest challenge so far has been that of my own self-doubt. I thought what I was doing would not be liked by others.
I have put an enormous amount of time and energy into shifting my mindset and perspective. This has helped greatly as I know what I am doing is for me, and if others like it this is the cherry on top! Luckily for me, they have.

What does success mean to you?
Gosh, I have pondered over this one for years. It is happiness. It is being around those you love and knowing they are happy and settled too.
Success for me comes in many forms and I feel it every day in many ways. It is doing what you love, building a life that you love and sharing both your achievements and those of others.
Who are your biggest cheerleaders?
Definitely my husband. He is for sure my biggest fan.
I remember in the beginning, I had so much doubt. One day, his gentle words came, 'If you love to paint and if it heals you, it won't matter if your art hangs in other's homes or in ours. Our walls could be full and theirs empty, but that isn't the goal, the goal is to find happiness, and you have'. This was it. This kicked things up a notch and got me to where I am.
Of course, my children cheer too. They watch with their innocent eyes, learning and appreciating everything I do.

What do you love most about where you live?
Born on Wiradjuri Land in Wagga Wagga, I was fortunate enough to grow up with just enough country to connect with Mother Earth, and just enough city to connect with some incredible people. I am so lucky to still live in Wagga Wagga and am remarkably grateful for the life I get to live each day.
There are so many things I love about this place. Aside from the weather, it is the connection to the land and the people. This is home and I am so connected and so fulfilled here.
What is your next big challenge?
If we are talking big dreams and aspirations, it would be to own and curate a gallery. To run workshops and share my passion for art.
Before I can tackle this though, it is formalising my qualifications. I am looking at options for study in 2021 and am excited to see where this takes me.
Amanda Hinkelmann creates contemporary Aboriginal art based on connection, country and experience.
Amanda is a member of our Ignite Your Instagram Online Training Course designed especially for women in business.
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