Tell us about your business and how it started?
Mama Metrics is about helping mamas on maternity leave, start-up and build their own product-based business so they don’t have to return to work and can earn a living, staying home with their child.
This is nearly five years in the making and I didn’t even realise that this was the path I was aligned to.
I dreaded the idea of returning to corporate life after the birth of my son and was desperately thinking of ways to stay home with him before my maternity leave ended.
When he was four months old, I started my product business Walls of Stories, a handmade home decor business, hoping I’d be able to earn enough to leave my job.
Over the journey, I’ve researched, experimented, done courses and learnt a lot! This is on top of over 15 years in the corporate world working in sales, marketing and business development.
I’ve discovered what works, where to go (and where not), who can help and most of all, how little time mamas have to invest in themselves.
What do you wish you knew before you started your business?
All the things you’ll learn in the online Product Boss Mama Course I’m creating.
What is your next big challenge/project?
I’m building an online course where I’ll deliver learning modules in five to 10 minute length videos, so it won't be hard for mamas to schedule time for this into their busy day.
Each one will have an easy to action, step-by-step process to guide them through each stage of starting and building their business.
There will also be templates available for each step, to save mamas time creating them from scratch.
The foundation round will only have 10 spots available.
What do you love about your product/service?
What I love the most is being able to change the status quo for working mamas and give them the flexibility to earn a living, without compromising spending time with their child and watching them grow. Mamas shouldn't have to choose between being present for their child and earning a living and this way, there’s less 'mum guilt' involved.
Who or what inspires you and your creative process?
I love learning and am always reading to broaden my knowledge. I’m also learning to lean into my intuition and trust in myself, which I believe is super important for any person to succeed in what they do.
What is the best piece of business advice you were given?
When you choose your business, you have to be passionate and aligned to your product or else you’re really going to struggle with selling it to other people. The best way to stand out to your competitors is to be yourself, as no-one else can do you.
How can women support other women?
By holding space for them. Mamas wear many hats, feel multiple emotions - mum guilt, isolation, loss of self - and most of all, time pressure. Through being heard, receiving empathy and encouragement without judgement, more women will be able to thrive in business.
Rachel Muscat is the founder of Mama Metrics that believe mamas shouldn’t have to choose between raising their child and having a career.